Friday, January 05, 2007

Just a Quick Update

Hi guys. I really have no excuse for not presenting you all with little morsels of the world as it turns, so here we are. Listening to a little King's X right now. Staring at a wild boar statue with an inexplicable orange sphere on its back. Thinking about Waterloo and how its denizens really pronounce its name. Residing currently in the home of that paragon of hospitality, the Tsujimoto family. Experienced a Japanese New Year, added frog and snail to the list of things i never thought i would eat before i ate them. Beat Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, and am currently working on Super Castlevania 4. Man it was a hastle trying to find the rom and emu for SotN. Now i am gonna go back downstairs and see what is going on. See you on the flip side.


Anonymous said...

おいしくないですよ ewwww

Anonymous said...

come on, dom. you're making my poor vegetarian stomach turn flip-flops. do me a favor- if you eat a lizard, don't say anything about it. please?

Anonymous said...

I don't know which stations you get, but see if you can listen to Namie Amuro on one of these for me....

- GROOVE LINE - J-Wave (1/10)
- RADIO ARENA - FM-Fuji (1/21)
- NACK ON TOWM - FM Nack 5 (1/22)
- Recomen - AM 1134 (1/23)
- ON 8! - bay fm (1/24)
- Wonderful GOGO - JFN (1/24)
- Young P - AM 1242 (1/25)
- COUNTDOWN JAPAN - Tokyo FM (1/27)
- Ontena - TBS Radio (2/3)
- AIR CRUISE - Fm Yokohama (2/3)

Dom said...

Mandy, is there a reason you think i will enjoy Namie Amuro's music? She doesn't quite look like my type. Besides, i don't have a radio

Anonymous said...

You are missing the point. LOL

I actually have no idea what kind of music you like.

Anonymous said...

Update your journal, you bum!