Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Hello, Me Wee Smilin' Friends

Well, it's been a long time, indeed. Those of you who actually want to hear from me, I am truly sorry. The Dude has seen many a strange sight and participated in many a novel occurance since he last posted in the land of Hot Dogs and Lotus Blossoms. I went to Hiroshima and Himeiji. I visited the peace museum and say the horrible wax sculptures of melting humans. I saw Miyajima (the Island of (the) Temple(s)) and climbed (most of) its mountain in twilight with a Quebecan, an Archaeologist, and a Texan. I ate raw sardines in a Karaoke bar with said Comrades (le gasp). I suffered from a date at a kurukuru Sushiya (which is antithetical: suffering from eating sushi??) and had to help buy kerosene. I climbed to the top of Himeiji castle and visited its Garden (石好園) (ed: not at the top of the castle). I visited the suicide (harakiri) courtyard (腹切丸). I went to Kyoto with no guide beyond two mild mannered gaikokujin of the Suit of Swords, the Ochre (by which i mean indigo (by which i mean i don't know what color ochre is, but the word that sounds like ochre does should mean indigo)) variety. Needless to say, we got lost in Kyoto. (pronounced: K'yough'toe, not Key'oh'toe.) I returned to the Toudaiji temple (got free admission to see the Great Buddha again) in Nara and spent the night in the home of the Reverend monk and his video game playing son. I followed a Buddhist procession into the Abbot's courtyard, past a Zen garden, at Tofukuji. I ate the famous Hiroshima Okonomiyaki. Note to self: I have yet to eat Oyakodonburi... I have been to a Japanese birthday party in a room with shark tanks. I went to a Japanese christmas party. I took the 2 and a half hour Kintetsu train ride to Kyoto with the jaded commuters and almost got stranded (with said gaikokujin) halfway in between Nagoya and Nara on the return home (Sunday night with school the next day.) I have been in a subway car literally packed like a tin of sardines, after midnight. I painted a bicycle shelter. In other words, i have become miserably behind in posting, and due to this, i cannot do these events the justice they are due. Gomenne. Anyway, i think i will quit Iaido. The people are just a bit too much like making love in an igloo: Friggin close to ice. (Completely unrelated note: i highly recommend the movie Tokyo Zonbi (Tokyo Zombie) to anyone who likes shawn of the dead, or any horror or comedy enthusiast.) Tomorrow i will go christmas shopping! It was nice knowing you all. If you could, mention that the sweet japanese grandmothers who trampled me to death knew not what they did.
Merry Christmas!
(man, that wasn't psychic diarrhea or anything...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

あのう、ochre is an earthy yellow color. Not violet. LOL.

The train to Kyoto, how much did it cost? I want to go to Kyoto a lot.