Thursday, April 05, 2007

Karakuri Robots, Toyota Museums and Visitors from Distant Owensboro

Two small events. On wednesday, i went on a class field trip to see the Karakuri clockwork dolls in Inuyama, The Inuyama Castle and Cultural Museum, and the Toyota Museum, downtown. These dolls are pretty cool. Like ancient robots. There is only one doll master left who is still connected to the original masters. Then, after Inuyama (which means DogMountain) we went to a really boring museum devoted to all kinds of Toyota related enterprises. Everything from their old fabric company to the car show room. Yawn. Then, today, I went on a tour of NUAS (the college that adjoins ours) with emissaries from Owensboro KY. I was helping out the ICC club by taking the attention away from the japanese kids, so they wouldn't be put on the spot too much. The whole experience was very surreal, with the japanese administrators, cameramen, and students, the kentuckians, john, and professor Farooq, who is head advisor for the club. Very surreal. then John and i went to the luncheon with them. There was a big hubbub with speeches, etc. Interesting, all in all. Oh well, i need to go to sleep. Happy Birthday to Emily!

1 comment:

Acajjou said...

Thank you, love! I'm totally impressed by the clockwork dolls! Very cool.