Hello dear readers. You must be very faithful, and therefore even more dear, to still be here, even periodically. (Those of you who have subscribed for automatic update service are artificially boosting your dearness, but so much in life these days is artifice, so I must sanction, or subscribe . . . to your method of subscription.) I wanted to make a post about the change that occurred in my site from winter to summer, and how wonderful that change was. When I arrived at site, if memory serves (which it never does faithfully, unlike you, my dear readers) there was a big ol' layer of ice on most things that were standing still. Later on, as I grew more accustomed to the geography of the city, I noticed several strange structures. One of them looked like an over-sized, non-portable, standalone potty, if you take my meaning. (Please leave something in return if you do take it.)
Nope. |
Or else it resembled one of those round rings of standalone bicycle lockers, with six or eight pie shaped cubicles for your self-propelled foot substitute, like a trivial pursuit pie.
Not that either. |
But I decided it wasn't the right shape for either of those, being too tall by far for a toilet, and to narrow to hold a bike, and besides, this doesn't seem like the kind of place to provide that kind of community service on a simple public street. In fact I've only seen those bike lockers on my old college campus, between the music building and one of the girls' dorms. Little did I know that this structure was hibernating, just waiting for warmer weather to undergo a miraculous transmogrification, like a beetle hunkered down into her shell. Post guesses in the comments as to what this Transformer(TM)(C) metamorphosed into. Answers to come.
A flower?
A picnic table?
Public art?
A Hot Dog Stand?
Getting closer!
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