Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Watootsie

The Blog Deity demands a sacrifice of comments on posts! You hard-hearted visitors to the shrine of Hot Dogs and Lotus Blossoms, if there are any of you out there, [*] (ah, now the metaphor brings to mind an interesting thought: a god wondering about the existance of worshippers. Could there be an anthroagnostic deity? But, the censors mutter, the lovable author has digressed) [ed. note: (admonishing) now, remember where the sentence left off] have failed to honor our covenant for the last four posts! Even the cool picture post! But anyway. We'll forgive you. If you exist.
I have been rereading 1984 and A Brave New World, and it strikes me that the brainiacs that composed these pieces forgot something. They talk about the power elite ensuring that the society is consistently producing and consuming goods and reigning forever. But, they overestimated, I believe, Earth's ability to sustain our consumerist tendencies. They write of Big Brother and The Party ruling forever with their wonderfully efficient system of control, but the sequel to 1984 should be an account of what happens when those resource rich areas they war over are depleted. Perhaps, the leaders of Eastasia, Eurasia, and Oceania would, as they saw their grip of power slipping, release all of the warheads they had been saving for Doomsday. Whatever happens, the man writing the 1984 for our time would have to admit that this planet's days are numbered. Sad really. Anyone want to do anything about it?
No? Just curious.


Anonymous said...

Y'know, you're absolutely right. I wonder why they never looked to that possibility. bill hudepohl.

Acajjou said...

You should add an RSS feed so I know when you post! Lookee: