Did I mention that Japan (at least Aichi provence) has spiders (kumo). And How...

Neither of these pictures do justice to the true size of my friend here. A true patriarch, I call him Grandpa Joe (Sofu-Jyou-san). His spawn spin beside him, and occasionally he nibbles on them. (I think by last count, the other spider in his web had 5 legs.) He lives right outside our front door, by the way.

Being tall is not always good you know? I ran through one of these today. I swear I heard a loud rustle as its occupant fell into the leaves at my feet. A RUSTLE. a loud one. I'm sure it would have been pretty funny to watch me at that point, rubbing my hair and neck.

I convinced this friendly little (and i stress
little) diva to model for me. I think I'll call him Billy. He is back in his home now.

If you zoom in a bit, you can see his little eyes glittering out at you. Innit he friendly?

As you may have seen already, they sort of like to live to gether. (and sometimes, they dine together, you know, cannibal-style.)

There is this though. That is a ka (mosquito). This is pretty much the biggest reason i tollerate the spiders in Japan. The ka are worse.
Love your postings, Dom - the camera was probably the best thing to give you on your trip!
Love you!
I don't care what you say, spiders give me the creeps. But thanks for sharing your pictures.
What sort of spiders are those? All I get in my dorm are little black spiders, but there are neon yellow ones in the grass outside. Nothing that large, though.
Those spiders look like the ones in Mississippi.
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