Wednesday, September 13, 2006
The continuing adventures of Bungalow Dom
Just a second; let me check and see where i left off... Ok, before i start, i must notify you all of some errata. An alert reader wrote in and commented that spending the night at a convent was indeed mom's and not dad's idea. Credit where credit is due. So, we left off when the taxi stopped outside the IH. two people who i later learned were RA's met us and took my luggage. Turns out i arrived right in the middle of the welcome party! yaaaaay. Demo, (japanese for however) dom wanted only to slip into about a fourteen-hour-long stocking of sweet oblivion. After a quick hop in the shower, i went and met people, many of whom were ***tfaced, until i couldn't anymore and crawled back upstairs to realize with great dismay that i had no idea how to make a japanese bed-futon. my solution was wrong, but my body forgave me. However (Demo), at 3 am (Nagoya time) my body decided it wanted supper and promptly notified me of the sitcheeashun. I said (and i quote) "uunnnnngh. Shut up" Eventually, i found sleep again and woke up at 5. My room is great. Read and weep, powell hall comrades. I have no roommate, my own personal piece of tupperware (bathroom unit) and a veranda. Somehow i whiled away the rest of the morning, meeting more people, walking to the gas station to buy breakfast, etc. until 11, when myself and two other gaijin (foreigners) plus four Japanese girls from the "friends circle club" went to eat lunch and go shopping (remember that scene in the american godzilla movie? Japanese chick: "I want to go Shoup-ping" Cab driver: "Me too! But you know what, lady? This is what we call a 'traffic jam'") Lunch occured at a "Itarian" restaurant. I asked for chopsticks and the japanese girls with us were very confused. "Do you normally eat spaghetti with hashi (chopsticks)?" Listen lady, this is not spaghetti. But it was cheap, filling, and very very tasty. at the department store (which had a 100yen store) i got clothes hangers (i regret not getting more) a dish rag (i regret not getting a better one) and a bowl (i regret not getting microwave safe) among other wonderful items. then to the grocery store. Here i got kimchi (which could be spicier (korean is better)) cereal (tasty, but i almost broke my teeth on the dried fruit bits) noodle containers, (which i had no idea how to make. Kakkoii desu!) some oranges, and some beverages. yay. after we got back, i was tired. i made the mistake of going to bed at 8ish. Next morning, i was bright eyed and bushy tailed at 4 am. Argh. Anyway, eventually, (actually very quickly) i got on schedule; jet lag was a doddle. The following days were spent in various orientations, some more helpful and some more common sense. Yesterday, Mr. McCorstin and myself went, by ourselves, to the Sakae downtown-commercial-area-tourist-attraction-place-thingie. I was proud of us, finding the busstop without too much humiliation, and making fools of ourselves in front of only a handful of people. Now I know how to get to the subway station though! Well, unfortunately, there is not much left that i feel i need to tell. This is too much for most of you already. There will be more soon though. Sayounara...
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You know... I feel sorta sorry for you eating at a Japanese gas station. Last time I checked they only sold gas there. Maybe a conveinence store would be more appropriate. I'm also angry at you now. You reminded me of 100yen stores, which are amazing, and I want to visit one now. I'm also wondering if you're typing on a Japanese keyboard, b/c I know how much that sucks (unless you're lucky and using a more normal one... maybe it was just the Japanese laptops that were strange)
Very cool (translation: I am radiating envy waves. let me know if any of them make it to you.).
How long are you going to be over there?
*dieing of jealousy*
How much do you think it would take to overnight a human-sized package to Japan? ^_^
I'm so glad that you ar enjoying it...when do classes start? What are you going to be taking?
Oh, and what's it like to be a giant among my-sized people? Or is that just a terrible western steriotype and I'm a terribly ignorant person for saying that? ;) (I'm guessing I'd still be short over there).
As glad as I am for ya, I have to say I miss you too though. We all do...Powell just isn't the same without you and your wonderful mediating skills...or happy and somehow-always-relaxed-how-the-hell-do-you-do-that nature ^_^.
I'll email you soon on updates on this side of the world. And I don't THINK I promised that I'd let everyone here live while you were gone...but just incase I did make some promise to be nice can I barter? One soul for Sithis? please? ^_^
Actually the "gas station" was indeed a Lawson's Conbini (convenience store).
To JR: classes start on 21 or 24 i think. NOt exactly sure what i am taking yet (other than 14 hours of Japanese language a week) No, i am much taller than most of the natives, no stereotype. No killing. sorry. no bartah (Jabba voice)
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